Above is a photo of one of our agents, Bruce Ball (click here to see his agent page: http://www.keyislerealty.com/agents/16590-Bruce-Ball/), preparing to roll for the pallina while participating in the Big Pine Bocce League.
This is a great opportunity for anyone living in the Florida Keys to join a league and play a much beloved sport, or even try it out for the first time. The Big Pine Bocce League has two seasons running from January to April and August to November, meeting Mondays through Thursdays at the Big Pine Community Park (located at the end of Sands Rd.). This is a casual, for-fun league but don’t be lead to believe that this takes away from the competitive edge for the league orchestrates a seeded playoff tree at the end of each season. The league even records the league activity and win/loss record on their website.
Our own office has two agents who are a part of the league and play regularly, Bruce Ball (pictured above) and Karen Chesley (click here to see her agent page: http://www.keyislerealty.com/agents/16589-Karen-Chesley/) are a part of the Luxury Cabinet Makers team.
To learn more about the Big Pine Bocce League visit their website, http://www.hometeamsonline.
Below are a few more pictures of the bocce league in action:
If you really love to play Boccee and live in the Florida Keys here are some pictures from the courts on Key West (1st row), and Big Coppitt Key(2nd row):